Routine and Things Podcast

  • Realistic Self Care For Moms

    How is your self care routine looking these days? Non existent? Barely alive? Do you wish you had more time for self care but haven’t quite figured out the formula for making it happen. I understand this all too well. It took me a good bit of time to commit to caring for myself on a regular ba...
  • Bedtime Routines For The Night Owl

    Are you a night person who struggles to get to bed at a decent hour? If you find yourself falling asleep on the couch or in front of the tv just to wake up exhausted and in a fog, this episode is for you. Having a bedtime routine is super important for you physical, mental, and emotional heal...
  • Three Tips For An Effective Morning Routine

    Do you have a morning routine you love? Does that routine fill you up and get you in the right mindset to have a beautiful day? In this episode of the Routine and Things Podcast, I share three tips that can help you create a morning routine you'll enjoy and one that speaks to your soul and yo...
  • Minimizing Stress For Your Homeschool Day with Tiana Gurley

    Need help with your homeschooling day? Ready to learn what can make it more fun and enjoyable for both you and your children? Then stay tuned! In this episode of the Routine and Things Podcast I interview Tiana Gurley, a homeschool mom who shares her journey of homeschooling and provides some...